Materias primas

Perfecto para manualidades y bricolaje. Nuestro proceso de producción diario da como resultado una pequeña cantidad de desechos y material sobrante. No dejamos que nada se desperdicie y le ofrecemos estas materias primas para que las utilice en proyectos creativos.

Lana : la misma guata de lana ecológica de primera calidad que encontrarás en nuestros hermosos productos hechos a mano. Se vende en 2 libras. incrementos.

Barrera de lana contra la humedad : la lana está tejida de forma densa y ligeramente afieltrada, lo que da como resultado un tejido naturalmente repelente al agua que es suave pero duradero y fácil de coser. 72” de largo y disponible en dos anchos: 5-6” y 7-8”.

Happy Lamb Fleece : lana ecológica premium suave y exuberante tejida en un soporte de punto de algodón. Cose piezas individuales con un simple pespunte en la parte posterior.

  • Longitud: 72" en total. Dependiendo de la disponibilidad, esto se puede lograr proporcionándole varias piezas que sumen 72". Ninguna pieza individual tendrá menos de 20".
  • Ancho: elija 3-4”, 5-6” o 7-8”.

Tiras de tela de satén orgánico : las tiras varían de 1,5 a 2 pulgadas de ancho y de 5 a 18 pulgadas de largo. Se vende en cantidades de aproximadamente 10 tiras.

Paneles de tela de satén orgánico : 24” por 10 yardas.

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Kate B
Holy Lamb’s Fleece is amazing

I ordered what was left in stock- the On the go fleece and it is sublime! Such a perfect seat warmer as I work at my desk all day. My only complaint is why is every other size out of stock?! Can’t wait to order larger sizes when they’re back in stock; especially for my mom, who gets so cold in bed overnight.


Beautiful and high quality! I sewed them together to make a bed for my dog.

Laura Davis
Love my wool!

The loose wool is a great product. I am able to stuff some pillows with it myself and save!

Laura White
Always exceeds expectations

The wool scrap was great! Huge bag. And the Happy Lamb Fleece 10x14 squares were awesome, really. I place them around whatever needs a bit more cushion. Also will be cutting them into warm insoles to refresh slippers!

Leslie Vaaler
Just lovely

My order of Wool Scraps snd Organic Fabric Panels goes well beyond being functional. I ordered these materials to make pillow inserts to accompany my handwoven fabric covers, and I found a certain tactile pleasure working with the fabric and especially the wool. The wool has a mild lanolin scent that I also enjoyed. I will add that the materials were well packed and arrived quickly. The fabric was rolled and tied with a matching bow.

Customer Reviews

Based on 32 reviews
Kate B
Holy Lamb’s Fleece is amazing

I ordered what was left in stock- the On the go fleece and it is sublime! Such a perfect seat warmer as I work at my desk all day. My only complaint is why is every other size out of stock?! Can’t wait to order larger sizes when they’re back in stock; especially for my mom, who gets so cold in bed overnight.


Beautiful and high quality! I sewed them together to make a bed for my dog.

Laura Davis
Love my wool!

The loose wool is a great product. I am able to stuff some pillows with it myself and save!

Laura White
Always exceeds expectations

The wool scrap was great! Huge bag. And the Happy Lamb Fleece 10x14 squares were awesome, really. I place them around whatever needs a bit more cushion. Also will be cutting them into warm insoles to refresh slippers!

Leslie Vaaler
Just lovely

My order of Wool Scraps snd Organic Fabric Panels goes well beyond being functional. I ordered these materials to make pillow inserts to accompany my handwoven fabric covers, and I found a certain tactile pleasure working with the fabric and especially the wool. The wool has a mild lanolin scent that I also enjoyed. I will add that the materials were well packed and arrived quickly. The fabric was rolled and tied with a matching bow.