How to Choose a Comforter

February 18, 2019 2 min read

Which comforter is right for me?

Do you tend to run hot or cold, generally? While sleeping, are you prone to overheat or get chilled during the night? Whether you sleep alone or with a partner also makes a difference – two sleep warmer than one. Think about the bedding you’re currently using. Do you want the simplicity of a comforter alone, or do you like to include a blanket or two in the mix? There's a lot to consider. We lay out all the particulars so you can easily select your best-ever comforter.

Cool Comfort- Our lightest weight, best suited for the person who tends to run warm in body temperature or lives in a warm climate. If you live in a region with mild winters, this is also a great choice to use in combination with your favorite blankets for an extra dose of warmth.

Perfect Comfort– Our most popular option, ideal for year-round sleeping in moderate climates. Not too light, not too heavy, it’s also just right for partner sleeping. When those cold winter nights come around, just toss on an extra blanket.

Extra Warmth– If you tend to run cool or get chilled easily, our heaviest option will ensure a toasty night’s sleep. If you keep your house cool, sleep alone or just like the weight of a lot of covers, this is the comforter for you.

Looking for a little more versatility?

All Season - A great two-in-one option. We build two comforters, each slightly lighter than our Cool Comfort weight, and incorporate soft velour ties around the perimeter. Stack and tie them together for maximum warmth as the weather cools. Untie them as the seasons change, and you have two lightweight comforters that are just right for sleeping on those warm summer and fall nights.

Dual Weight - A 50/50 alternative that comes in three options.

  • Combo One offers the broadest range, from the lightweight Cool Comfort to the substantial Extra Warmth. If you’re always piling on the blankets while your partner’s kicking them off, this is the one for you.
  • Combos Two and Three are great middle-of-the-road options. One side is Perfect Comfort, our medium-weight option, and you have your choice of Cool Comfort or Extra Warmth on the other side.

Still undecided? Go with the lighter weight. You can always add blankets, but a too-warm comforter is a challenge to modify.

Try us out

Our Comforter Sample Kit is a great way to ensure you’re making an informed choice.

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